Sunday, December 12, 2010

Stuart Franklin:  This photo appears less photojournalistic than his others which is why I picked it and why I liked it the most out of all the other.  However it is subtle because it is from the aftermath of a hurricane.  Every color in this photo is dull, possibly because the objects on the sore have been bleached by the sun.  Regardless of whether it was purposefull or not i believe that it improves the effect of the photo.
Stuart Franklin:  In this photo the destaurated colors put emphasis on the gloominess of the situation.  There are bright colors in the background that have been desaturated so it isn't just the lack of sun or grey sky.  The subject in the middle seems to have a very desaturated and cool tone to his skin which kind of relates to his pose.
Dominic Nahr:  I think the desaturation in this photograph intensifies the feeling of loneliness.  As well as the shadows and composition but especially the fact that no colors pop.  It clearly is not an area where there are saturated colors however the earth tones and other colors have been muted and desaturated.  

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dean Rogers- Still from Valhalla Rising:  This movie inspired the me to do my blog on a commercial photographer that works on movie sets named Dean Rogers.  Rogers is creating interesting relationships in this image, such as the way Mikkelson's posture echoes the shape of the mountains in the background.  The first relationship I realize in this photo is the position of the axe in relation to the cross- it is as if the axe is directed or going to come down on the cross, which definitely relates to a theme in the movie.  Another interaction in this photo involves the axe as well but in relation to Mikkelson's face.  Besides the similar shape, they also both appear stoic and stable. This relates to my photography because I am interested in animating inanimate objects, working with still life objects and giving them personalities.  However this is more interesting here because Rogers gives the axe a personality and then relates it to a similar human personality.
Dean Rogers- Still from Bronson:  It was hard to find a still from this movie but I finally did even though it is low quality.  However I think it bests captures Bronson's insanity and wild personality.  Clearly he is detained or locked somewhere- but he is grinning devilishly.  The light is shining of his bald head and illuminating parts of his face in a way that puts emphasis on the framing of his head.  I believe the frame within a frame helps the picture, not only to give us a hint that he is jail, but also to create a distance from Bronson.  The negative spaces that Rogers created could be stronger more activated but they are still mildly interesting.
Dean Rogers- Still Photo from This Is England:  This shot puts emphasis on a very strange aspect of this boys life in the movie.  He spends time alone in this field close to a river and it seems to be where he has most of his fun.  He suffers from the pain of his father's death in battle, and this is where he reflects on memories of his father.  Compositionally I am responding to the relationship between the shape of the slingshot and the shape of the boat.  Also the concrete structure fits very nicely into that corner and adds space where there is bland grey sky.  The shallow dpeth of field also compliments and works with this photograph because it keeps the focus on the kid and the time he spends here.